Incredible Solutions Bar & Table Top Review – Epoxy Countertop DIY

Incredible Solutions Bar & Table Top Review

*Update: Incredible Solutions and ProMarine Supplies have rebranded to Promise Epoxy. Exact same formulas with a new look and name.

Promise Epoxy offers a UV Stable crystal clear table top epoxy resin. A UV Stable formula helps to prevent yellowing over time. This is super important for those that will be exposing their finished product to UV Rays. However, it is not recommended that finished products are kept outdoors. This goes for all clear epoxy as it is susceptible to yellowing if overly exposed to UV Rays. That said, some are better than other, which is where this table top application shines.

Promise Epoxy 1 Gallon

WATCH: As We Use Promise Epoxy

How To: Applying Bar Top & Table Top 

Because Promise Epoxy is self leveling, this kit is super easy to use. The mixture ratio is 1:1. In other words 1 part Side A and 1 part Side B. Side A is the base resin and Side B is the curing agent. Simply mix the two part in equal amounts and its ready to pour. Mixing the two parts thoroughly is vital in proper application. A 1 gallon kit can cover 12 square feet when applying at 1/8" thick or 24 square feet at 1/16" thick. 

Mixing Ratio 1:1

Both parts and the completed mixed are 100% solids which allows for low odor. Therefore, this can be applied indoors so long as good ventilation is provided. Once mixed and poured, the epoxy is quick curing. It is important to have your project properly prepped so that the mixture can self level and evenly distribute across a surface. 

What Makes Promise Epoxy A Top Pick

Finished Bar

Finished Cedar Bar With Incredible Solutions

As previously mentioned, the mixture is UV Stable which many other epoxies cannot offer. Additionally, the self leveling  mixture provides superior air release which aides in preventing  bubbles, cracks, cratering, fish eyes and many other common problems across other brands. Promise Epoxy is the perfect solution for table tops, wooden bars, embedding pictures, or even concrete. This, along with the fact that Promise Epoxy is made right here in the USA, makes this one of our top picks.  

Cedar Bar Top Epoxy Finish